Sunday, November 8, 2009

Amek Dwet Hantaran Dia..!!

Assalamualaikum and Hello to everyone..

Dah lama aku xbercerita dalam blog.. brapa hari sudah? lu kira la sendiri..bwhahaha~~~

begini cerita nya..jeng3.. (sepatotnye aku kene bercerita lam keadaan sedih ni)

adik aku yg bongsu, sya ni mau tgk gmbo kat kamera aku.. sbb b4 tu,kami ade amek2 gmbo banjir yg berlaku ari jumaat tempoh hari..

so, i passed it to her.. but, eventually, she'd not holding properly as the camera went down and POP!

OMG! my camera!!!!

i quickly took it and see if there any damage.. but yes! there is some DAMAGED which is reflected to overall setting!!

for examples: when i rotated the button to SCENE, it appeared VIDEO in LCD..when it comes to M button, it appeared others functions.. i loved SCENE function as well,but its broke now..

i really2 mad at that time.. rasa nak cekik2 saja leher dia.. huh!

so, accidently, i said, " u must pay for what u had done!"

She said without any wrong feeling plus annoyed face, " i will not.."

"So, who's gonna pay for this ,mom?" i said to my mom as she across in front of us..

"Well, nanti kita amek duit hantaran dia..", said mom to me.. i was terified and cudnt stop from laughing all day long..

Inadvertently, Sya was crying so high and overwhelmed feeling.. Sadly, she said, " Dont take my duit hantaran... huuuu... dont... "

I continued to laugh and repeated "amek duit hantaran dia!" over and over again..

Mom also  laugh to her.. eleh.. nak usik anak bongsu dia la tu.. " OK, OK.. we wont take ur hantaran money, enough?" Quickly,she stop cried.. hahahaaha too fast too furious..

In my heart, i was wondering, did she know what HANTARAN mean? hahahaha

in conclusion, my camera remained unspoken.. till death do us apart.. huu.. i will always love u~~

p/s: dont let anyone borrowed ur things that u love!



Faz Fazrin said...

amik amik jgn tak amik,hahaha.
rosak software je tu, try check tenet, kut2 leh download firmware dia balik

Unknown said...

boleh beiki ker? tp cane? xreti ni..

Faz Fazrin said...

cuba restore setting

Faz Fazrin said...

cuba restore setting

Unknown said...

restoring? jap2..

SD said...

kamera kawanku rosak tetiba ketika di tangan ku. Tidak jatuh tidak masuk air cuma terkepit dalam poket....mujur ada warranty....blh baiki percuma..........

Unknown said...

yeke? ok,nnt nk cube bawak kedai la.. still dalam warranty..

agpon,da cube restoring,xjadi gak.. nak firming sendiri, takot maken terok condition dia..

violetless said...

adik ko umo brapa weh??huhuhuhu...ala ko beli baru je..

suh opa banja adiah besday cakap dia..

Unknown said...

umo? 10 thn.hahaha

xnk la.. agpon,xreeti nk mintak2 ni..hehehe

sayahappyslalu said...

maybe dah tiba masa tukar kamera baru.. hehe.. Try canon pulak ke..


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